Wednesday 27 February 2013

How to Make Long Distance Relationships Work

Secrets on How to Make Long Distance Relationships Work

If this is your first time in a long distance relationship,, it is likely you might think that there is certain secrets on how to make long distance relationships work. Actually if you stick to 5 golden rules, it will give your relationship the best chance possible.

Golden Rule #1 - Keep no secrets.

The greatest secret on how to make long distance relationships work? Having no secrets at all. Share everything and don’t keep anything from your significant other. It’s best practice to communicate thoughts or events that could cause a problem in the relationship even if you live under the same roof, and it’s still the practise with a distance relationship.

Golden Rule #2 - Trust.

Perhaps the most essential rule to a distance relationship is trust. Before you make the commitment, you should evaluate how much you trust your partner and set out the parameters of the relationship. If you’re married you should already have a solid foundation of trust, and so building upon that with healthy communication will build it further..

Golden Rule #3 - Plan your future.

We’ve identified that by organising the next trip to see each other before the current one has ended has really helped to give couples something to look forward to. Of course you should think very hard about your future together. If you both aren’t planning your long term future, it’s going to get extremely thin extremely fast.

Golden Rule #4 - Let your feelings be known.

It's not advisable to keep your feelings inside. If you're not happy with your partner, make them aware of it. Don’t keep it all inside for fear of harming their feelings . They will want to be there for you, and a relationship is something that you both have to be working on. The guidelines we advise taking are to address the issue, understand the issue, then both agree on the best way to overcome the issue.

Golden Rule # 5 - Communication.

Another crucial rule to becoming a successful long distance couple is communication. Always remember, communication is key! Download Skype and make sure you talk every day. Text, call and make your significant other a part of your life.

Golden Rule #6 - Have Regular Long Distance Dates

Planning a few internet dates can be extremely useful during those long times apart from one another. Ideas can be anything from a Skype movie day to star gazing over the phone. Remember to be creative and you will always keep them interested.

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Tools for Long Distance Couples

Now that you’re ready to commit to your long distance relationship, here are some excellent tools for all long distance couples.

Tool for Long Distance Couples #1 - The Mail Service

You heard right, The Mail Service! Emails are speedy and instant messaging is fast, but do you remember long before that when we used to mail our letters to each other? We’ve found that distance couples that write love letters to each other have proven to have remarkably strong relationships.

Tools for Long Distance Couples #2 - Trust Building Books

Or any other reading material on relationship guidance for that matter. Once you feel yourself getting into a lifeless routine seek out some great connection building questions to talk over. You will learn a ton more about your partner that will strengthen your relationship.

Tools for Long Distance Couples #3 - Netflix

Streaming services are regrettably beginning to outdate DVD and BluRay. But that means you don’t have to get two separate copies of one movie to enjoy watching it together. You can easily sign up for an account, click play together while on webcam, and have your self a cosy night in .

Tools for Long Distance Couples #4 - Internet Webcam Service

And what good would a long distance relationship tools checklist be without a good old internet phone service? This is by far the ideal and most vital tool you can have for your long distance relationship. It's fast, easy, and free to use. This will allow you to see each other on webcam every second if you want to. But we strongly advice against distance couples spending longer than 6 hours a talking with one another over webcam. While speaking for long periods will initially assist you to overcome the distance, it’s also healthy to get outside and have independent lives too.

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Long Distance Relationships Advice - Before You Go Into A Long Distance Relationship

Long Distance Relationships Advice - Before You Get Into A Long Distance Relationship

So he’s departing to another country, or she’s going off to study in Japan. Whatever reason is causing you to take a relationship to long distance, there are a few things you need to consider and understand before you finalise your plans.

#1 There Will Be Disagreements

Just as a regular relationship there will be some points you don’t agree on. This can make things particularly hard when you are thousands of miles apart. After things have calmed down just remind yourself that it’s completely healthy to have quarrels once in a while, but you need to be thinking about ways that you both can compromise on the issues. You'll both need to meet in the middle and come to an agreement. Working these issues out will help you get over your next argument faster.

#2 You Are Sure To Get Lonely

Quite honestly, it can be heartbreaking at times. Couples who spend long periods apart often feel more lonely than ever. The best option is to surround yourself with loved ones, or find a great hobby to occupy your time away from the other person.

#3 Jealously Will Mess Up The Relationship

Before you decide on a distance relationship, you should already have a strong foundation of shared trust. We cannot stress how essential this is. Everyone gets, notably when a past partner is nearby. If you know your significant other inside out, there will never be a doubt in your mind about their loyalty to you. We suggest reading relationship advice books together before you depart. Don’t wait for the issue to occur before you seek help.

#4 It’s Hard Work

Some may even argue that a distance relationship is harder work than a local relationship. It takes great strength and persistence for a long distance relationship to work. You both need to be in it 100 percent from the beginning until the end of your time apart. Plan on seeing each other every day. Schedule long distance dates together. And make sure to talk about daily events with your significant other. This goes without saying, but never forget to take an interest in their lives, their goals, and your future together.

For the best long distance relationship advice visit